For years I have been entertained with peoples attempt to pronounce “PROKOSCH”. Half the time they mumble something and put a “ski” on the end. NO it is not Polish… and there is no ski on the end! So if you are a telemarketer and call me asking “Is Mr. Pro%^&SKI there?” My answer will likely be “no he isn’t.”
If you ask me what the origin of the Prokosch name is, I would say we are German-Austrians…
My Prokosch family was from a small farming village in the province of Bohemia in the Austrian Empire, a few kilometers from the border of the old East Germany. The people living in this area spoke German as their native tongue and from the stories I have heard, believed they were German. At that time in history, it was not unusual for the country borders to move around a bit as treaties were negotiated, wars ensued and governments changed.
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